Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Lingzhi and Reishi in China, has traditionally been utilized to prevent and treat cardiovascular risk. Animal studies have demonstrated its antioxidant, antihypertensive, hypoglycaemic and lipid-reducing properties.

Clinical trials conducted on humans have yielded inconsistent results, possibly due to differing preparations and study populations.


Ganoderma lucidum mushroom has become a highly-prized health supplement used for treating various diseases. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at strengthening immunity, lowering cholesterol, regulating blood sugar levels and protecting heart health, while simultaneously relieving fatigue and stress. Antioxidants contained in its composition help protect cells against damage while slowing aging processes; antiviral properties as well as immunomodulatory effects are attributed to lignans, triterpenes and polysaccharides which make up part of its structure – these effects could even enhance these benefits further.

Ganoderma is grown without chemicals or pesticides and widely used in traditional medicine, herbal supplements and nutraceutical products. Available as capsules, liquid extracts, powder tea and syrup it can be purchased both online and from health stores as well as being found in hair and skin care products.

In China, Ganoderma mushroom (Lingzhi) has long been used as part of traditional Chinese medicine to treat various illnesses including cancer and other health conditions. Furthermore, Lingzhi may help improve mood and promote sleep; more research needs to be conducted into this matter before any definitive claims can be made about these effects can be proven. Nonetheless, Lingzhi mushroom contains numerous vitamins including B1, B2, B6, b-carotene, vitamin C as well as minerals including calcium, sodium potassium phosphorus and iron.

Ganoderma lucidum stands out among medicinal plants with its distinctive terpene composition. This includes triterpenes such as ganoderic acids and lucidenic acid that have anti-hypertensive, lipid-reducing, and anti-acetylcholinesterase properties – and these compounds can even be extracted directly from its fruiting body which is often eaten as food in China.

Mushrooms also contain other bioactive substances, including a-D-glucans, b-1-3 and b-1-6-D-glucans, a-D-mannans, glycoproteins and heteropolysaccharides that may modulate immune response by binding with macrophages, natural killer cells and other immune-system cells; they are known to block viral entry into host cells as well as intracellular adsorption, nucleic acid synthesis and replication processes as well as possess protease inhibitor activity which could aid antiviral drug development efforts.

Side effects

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as the Reishi Mushroom or Lingzhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been utilized for thousands of years as part of a wide array of treatment protocols. It features adaptogenic properties that aid the body’s capacity for handling physical and mental stressors; furthermore it may serve as an immune booster and even have anti-aging benefits; additionally it may even possess anticancer, liver protection and hypoglycemic properties – according to modern medical research it even boasts antioxidant, anti-melanogenesis anti-melanogenesis properties while skin barrier-repairing abilities – making G lucidum one of a great many effective herbal medicines available today!

G. lucidum contains beta-glucans and mannans which contain amino acids, sugars and organic acids rich in antioxidative properties as well as being abundant sources of amino acids, sugars and organic acids; they possess powerful immunomodulatory properties. Studies show these polysaccharides to have antitumor, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activities. In addition, glycoproteins of G. lucidum possess strong glucose binding capacities allowing them to inhibit activity associated with acetylcholinesterase activity while having antioxidative properties by decreasing levels of malondialdehyde and inhibiting activity associated with Adenosine triphosphate activated protein Kinase enzyme.

Studies performed in rats, mice and human subjects with diabetes have demonstrated that G. lucidum extracts and polysaccharides exhibit hypoglycemic properties when taken orally or intravenously (Mau et al. 2015). They possess powerful scavenging, chelating and antioxidant effects which reduce levels of oxidative stress as well as stimulate insulin secretion while upregulating expressions of AMPK, pGLUT4 and IRS1 (Mau et al. 2015).

Our Lucidum de Purify Tea Herbal Supplement blend combines the adaptogenic reishi mushroom with rejuvenating herbs for a unique infusion that strengthens immune systems, boosts resistance against both physical and mental stressors, promotes wellbeing, and creates balance. This product is free from synthetic additives and made using natural ingredients that have been organically grown or ethically harvested from sustainable sources, making it completely gluten- and dairy-free, without caffeine or any other stimulants. Furthermore, this infusion is created from only premium quality reishi mushrooms that have been certified by an independent lab as pure and potent, providing a safe and effective supplement for those looking to improve their health naturally.


Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi) has long been used as a medicinal mushroom in China, known for strengthening immune systems, improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress levels and overall wellbeing benefits. Furthermore, this mushroom also offers anti-aging and skin protecting benefits. You can purchase Ganoderma Lingzhi tea as well as nutritional supplements.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses Lingzhi for invigorating and replenishing Qi. Additionally, it is believed to help combat inflammation, lower blood pressure, prevent aging, fight cancer and delay senescence. Modern research has uncovered polysaccharides, triterpenoids, nucleosides sterols and alkaloids found in this mushroom that possess anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotection hypoglycemic, antioxidant properties.

This mushroom contains enzymes such as b-N-Acetylhexosaminidase, a-1,2-mannosidase, endo-b-1,3-glucanase and glutamic protease; amino acids including leucine and alanine; nucleosides such as adenine cystine guanine thymine and uracil; it can be consumed as tea with its woody and earthy flavors, or commercial products under names Lingzhi Reishi and Ganoderma.

Ganoderma should generally be safe to consume in moderate doses; however, before starting any new dietary supplement regimen it’s a good idea to consult your physician first. Furthermore, eating well-balanced meals, getting ample restful sleep and managing stress effectively are essential in order to achieve maximum benefits from Ganoderma tea as part of living an overall healthier lifestyle.

Ganoderma lucidum is a double-walled basidiospore found on logs and stumps of trees. This medicinal mushroom has many health benefits, including strengthening resistance and stimulating spleen function, relieving insomnia, anxiety and depression as well as strengthening immunity and acting as a natural anti-inflammatory. Additionally, Ganoderma also boasts antioxidant, hypoglycemic and antimelanogenesis properties; additionally helping treat pigmentary conditions like solar lentigo, chloasma or freckles while helping treat pigmentary dermatosis such as solar lentigo, Chloasma or freckles; furthermore; antimicrobial and cytoprotective properties have also been discovered by scientists – among many more benefits!


Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi in Chinese and Reishi in Japanese) is an ancient medicinal mushroom used for over 2000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat various conditions, including anti-inflammatories, cancer prevention and immune-enhancing properties. Additionally, this adaptogen mushroom helps relieve stress while encouraging relaxation – typically sold in extract form as capsules or tablets for easy consumption. Please consult with your healthcare provider prior to using this remedy as it might not provide permanent solutions to all conditions.

Ganoderma contains many bioactive compounds with potential health benefits, including polysaccharides and triterpenes. Ganoderma’s antioxidant activity may help lower cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and elevated cholesterol; it is unknown whether these effects come from its mushrooms themselves or from active constituents present within them; many herbal supplements and nutraceutical commercial products contain G. lucidum extracts in combination with other herbs.

G. lucidum has been extensively investigated both animal and human clinical trials, with promising results. One such trial demonstrated how G. lucidum extract reduced levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in rats while achieving similar effects in mouse models. A third research paper demonstrated how its extract can prevent neointimal formation after carotid artery ligation in mice.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of the fungus in treating metabolic disorders like diabetes and coronavirus infection, and also has anti-ageing and skin protective properties, treating pigmentary dermatoses such as chloasma and freckles.

Tradition holds that reishi should be made into a decoction or boiled in water to extract its medicinal properties, then strained and drunk as tea. While this process can take time and effort, the results may make it worth your while. When selecting your tea brand of reishi it’s essential to use only trusted names and only purchase organically produced varieties; this ensures it remains both safe and potency.