Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Lingzhi, is an herb and medicinal mushroom with immunomodulating, anticancer and longevity-promoting effects as well as antihypertensive, hepatoprotective and antiviral properties.

Studies demonstrate the long-term health benefits of Reishi mushrooms by supporting white blood cell function and inhibiting cancerous cell growth. Furthermore, Reishi helps protect blood vessels against oxidative damage as well as potentially reduce blood pressure.


Reishi coffee offers numerous health advantages that are worth exploring, from improving sleep quality and energy for daily tasks, boosting immunity, relieving stress, regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels, fighting cancer and even acting as an adaptogen – an herb which works by helping your body balance itself so it functions the way it was meant to – to providing your immune system with what it needs in order to fight disease and even cancer. Reishi is classified as an adaptogen which works like “software upgrades” for your body.

Reishi mushrooms have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, ranking amongst one of the oldest and highest-regarded herbs within their herbal pharmacopeia – second only to ginseng in terms of popularity. Reishi mushroom therapy works due to triterpenes present within them that contribute therapeutic effects like organic germanium–known for increasing oxygen absorption, improving circulation and preventing functional degeneration; they also contain polysaccharides and beta-glucans which provide anti-inflammatory benefits that make Reishi so popular among practitioners of Chinese herbal pharmacopeias.

Reishi mushrooms contain unique constituents and an abundance of antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and fighting inflammation. Reishi mushroom extracts also boost white blood cells – cells responsible for fighting off viruses, bacteria, and pathogens within our bodies.

Mixing reishi extract with coffee produces an irresistibly tasty beverage, offering an immunity-enhancing, caffeine-free alternative to conventional coffee. This drink can help calm the mind while improving sleep quality – perfect before bed! To create your own Reishi Coffee, boil some water before pouring it into a blender along with cacao powder, organic Reishi mushroom powder, cinnamon powder, ginger root powder, coconut butter and salt. Process on high for 10-15 seconds then enjoy! Honey can also be added if desired for additional sweetness. You can find reishi mushroom powder online through various stores such as Eternal. Just be sure to purchase one made from fruiting bodies rather than mycelium which could contain gluten and other contaminants.


Reishi mushrooms are among the most effective medicinal mushrooms, known for boosting immunity and combatting fatigue. That’s why Ganoderma Reishi Coffee makes an excellent addition to any wellness lifestyle: its combination of premium Colombian coffee with Reishi mushroom extract creates an irresistibly smooth cup with rich flavors and immense health benefits!

This instant premix coffee mix comes pre-combined with instant coffee, sugar, non-dairy creamer, organic soluble fiber and herbs for extra support – perfect for hot or cold beverages alike!

This reishi product stands out from the crowd by using the entire fruiting body of a reishi mushroom, making it easier for our bodies to absorb its healthful constituents. Furthermore, this product boasts an exceptional beta-glucan content – the cornerstone of any functional mushroom product.

Reishi mushrooms require anywhere between five and seven months to fully mature and release their spores, each covered with a hard shell that protects and nurtures its potency. This process is both lengthy and expensive; in fact, nearly 2000 pounds of spores must be harvested in order to produce two pounds of powder spore powder.

This reishi coffee blends premium, fair-trade certified Colombian coffee with the powerful benefits of reishi mushrooms for an invigorating wake-up boost and increased alertness and focus. Plus, its ingredients help balance out nerve function while alleviating stress levels!


Reishi Coffee has many health advantages, including strengthening immunity, lowering cholesterol levels and supporting healthy blood glucose levels, relieving fatigue, improving sleep and soothing frayed nerves. However, prolonged consumption may result in side effects so it is best to consult your physician prior to beginning any new dietary supplements.

Reishi mushroom powder contains beta-glucans and polysaccharides, natural nutrients which provide our bodies with nourishment from within. These ingredients help the immune system fight viruses and bacteria while also improving liver and kidney functions, and balancing hormones. Furthermore, Reishi powder can boost energy levels, increase exercise performance and decrease stress levels significantly.

Reishi coffee preparation is very straightforward; anyone can do it easily at home. Ingredients can easily be purchased online or locally. There are various forms of Reishi powder to meet all your needs.

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as the “Mushroom of Immortality”, has long been an integral component of Chinese medicine, providing numerous health benefits including relieving fatigue, encouraging restful sleep patterns and soothing frayed nerves. Reishi also contains antioxidants which protect against oxidative stress while slowing aging processes while supporting cardiovascular wellbeing.

To create Reishi Coffee, mix Ganoderma Lucidum liquid extract along with Chinese medicine ingredients (Cortex Eucommiae, Rhizoma Polygonati, Radix Codonopsis and Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae) along with coffee powder and sugar in an appropriate weight ratio. Reishi coffee is created when this mixture is cooked with coffee to produce an irresistibly tasty beverage with positive health benefits derived from Chinese medicine. You can customize its flavor by mixing ingredients according to personal taste. Be wary that Reishi may interact negatively with certain medications, so it may be prudent to refrain from drinking this coffee while on any prescription drugs or if you are pregnant/breastfeeding. Also take caution if using this coffee during either of those states of being.


Reishi has long been seen as a magical mushroom capable of recalibrating our entire systems and returning us to a state of balanced health. Although modern scientific research primarily investigates what’s happening at a molecular level, we shouldn’t lose sight of its true value – Ganoderma lucidum (also referred to as Lingzhi in Chinese medicine) contains another universe which it wants us to discover and comprehend.

This extraordinary fungus serves as the “king of mushrooms”, returning organic matter back into the soil while helping sick trees heal or regenerate themselves. Furthermore, its antifungal compounds protect it against competing species that could destabilise it – hence earning its moniker of “steward of forest ecosystem”.

Reishi mushrooms are commonly used in Chinese medicine to strengthen immunity and support liver function, as well as to eliminate viral infections like Hepatitis B and Herpes Simplex virus, as demonstrated in experiments conducted by mycologist Paul Stamets.

Indigenous cultures in the Pacific Northwest use Reishi as a tonic to increase vitality and extend longevity, as well as its apotropaic qualities to protect themselves against illness, protect homes from intruders and repel spirits that threaten them.

Reishi can be taken either before or after meals for optimal benefits, and should be consumed on a consistent basis to experience maximum effectiveness. You should experiment with timing of consumption to assess its effect on digestive tract, energy levels and overall wellbeing.

To create Reishi Coffee, mix powders derived from Ganoderma Lucidum extract with various Chinese herbs – most frequently Cortex Eucommiae, Rhizoma Polygonati and Radix Codonopsis or Achyranthis Bidentatae are commonly used – into your coffee mix before cooking in a special reactor for optimal results – rather than boiling your ingredients directly in water – to obtain rich flavorful beverages while providing medicinal effects through Ganoderma Reishi and Chinese medications. When finished you will enjoy rich coffee flavour while reaping benefits from Ganoderma Reishi and Chinese medicines to promote good health for body.