Gourmet Hot Chocolate Ganoderma Organo Gold
Rod Smith wasn’t even a coffee drinker until discovering Organo Gold‘s healthier products; today he is one of their most successful distributors.
OG Network Marketing Company is on a global mission to increase knowledge about Ganoderma lucidum herb through their industry leading compensation plan and global distribution systems.
Cocoa (Theobroma in Latin) translates to “Food of the Gods.” Over 70% of cocoa produced worldwide is harvested in West Africa and each pod holds 30-50 seeds that are ground and combined with sugar for chocolate production. Our exclusive beverage combines cocoa and Ganoderma for an indulgent yet nutritious treat!
Each cup of gourmet hot chocolate Ganoderma Organo Gold provides 2.8gr of fibre, helping your body digest food more effectively and improving digestive functioning. In addition, each cup also includes Ganoderma Lucidum or red Reishi mushroom which adds mild notes that compliment cocoa’s mild flavors; triterpenoids and amino acids found within these mushrooms act as adaptogens – beneficial to immune health while helping you cope with stress better.
Nutritional value
Gourmet hot cocoa Ganoderma Organo Gold is an organically certified healthy alternative to regular chocolate drinks that contain large quantities of sugar. Packed with health-promoting ingredients that will benefit everyone in your family, it can be enjoyed either hot or iced and also contains Ganoderma, which promotes healthy cells. Ideal for cold winter days and nights.
Cocoa, also known by its Latin name Theobroma, literally means the food of the gods. Cocoa contains hundreds of compounds including polyphenols – powerful antioxidants – as well as fiber.
Organo’s hot cocoa mix contains Ganoderma lucidum, an adaptogen with triterpenoids and amino acids, used in traditional Asian culture for thousands of years to enhance triterpenoids production and immune system functioning. With its mild flavor that adds depth to cocoa flavor and immune support capabilities, Ganoderma lucidum’s inclusion enhances cocoa taste while supporting immunity function.
Caffeine content
Gourmet Hot Chocolate Ganoderma Organo Gold offers less caffeine than most beverages on the market, and contains many antioxidants beneficial for body and mind. Furthermore, this beverage helps stabilize serotonin levels in the brain for happier and healthier moods; making this an excellent alternative to sugary beverages that cause insulin spikes.
This delicious drink is prepared using premium cocoa, an antioxidant-rich superfood with many health advantages and gluten free. Furthermore, this drink boasts high fiber levels for optimal body function as well as being an abundant source of vitamins and minerals like potassium and magnesium.
It also contains powerful Ganoderma mushroom that has been shown to help boost immunity, making this recipe easy to mix and serve either hot or cold. Plus, its low calorie count helps the body burn fat!
Ingredients in this coffee blend together for an aromatic beverage that can be enjoyed by all members of the family. Drinking this beverage early on in your day is a healthy way to start it off right, and can also be enjoyed anytime throughout your day.
This coffee features the ideal blend of chocolate and coffee, making it a delectable drink with natural energy-boosting properties. Notably, it includes ginseng to boost natural vitality as well as Korean red reishi mushroom and Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) herbs to bolster immunity systems.
Organo Gourmet Hot Cocoa boasts a rich, smooth taste that even kids in your family will savor. Unlike regular chocolate drinks which contain excessive amounts of sugar and are detrimental to our health, Organo Gourmet Hot Cocoa is packed with nutritional goodness such as Ganoderma which boasts amazing immune-enhancing benefits.
Instant chocolate drink made of cocoa and ganoderma that’s easily portable! Made from an easy blend, just mix any liquid together – even malt extract gives the drink its classic old-fashioned chocolate taste! Packed with 3 grams of ganoderma per serving for optimal nutrition!