Coffee is more than just an enjoyable morning ritual; it’s an effective way to kick-start your day. A cup of java can boost your metabolism, helping you shed excess weight more rapidly while combatting depression and decreasing heart disease risk. How you consume your cup, however, can make an enormous difference to both its environmental footprint and personal wellbeing; traditional options contain chemicals while organic options may provide greater environmental sustainability as well as better overall health benefits.

Conventional farming uses pesticides and fertilizers that may leave residue on your beans as well as in your body, while organically produced coffee contains less chemical contaminates while providing more vitamins and minerals than its conventional counterpart.

One reason is the natural nutrients infused into organic coffee’s soil during production, rather than synthetic chemicals used for chemically altered coffee beans. Drinking organic coffee means getting more antioxidants such as magnesium, potassium, niacin, B vitamins and more; organically grown beans also contain chlorogenic acid which promotes liver health while decreasing blood sugar levels.

Organic coffee not only offers energy boosts, but it’s also excellent for digestive health. Coffee stimulates production of hydrochloric acid and gastrin hormone which help break down food for easier digestion and can even relieve symptoms of acid reflux or GERD conditions. Our Lifeboost coffee is low acidity making it gentle on stomachs while providing relief to those experiencing digestive issues.

Organic coffee can also provide your immune system with a boost. Your gut houses approximately 70% of your immune system; when you eat foods with pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers present, toxins can accumulate within it and disrupt its balance with beneficial bacteria that support healthy immunity. Organically grown coffee contains fiber as well as natural antioxidants which may boost its effectiveness for supporting overall immunity.

Organically-grown coffee not only offers improved health benefits, but is also better for the environment and fair trade practices. While conventional farms often clear forests to plant their crops, organic coffee farms work with nature’s ecosystem by allowing native plant and animal life to flourish alongside growing coffee plants – helping prevent erosion and nutrient degradation as well as providing shade, shelter and sustenance to birds and insects that depend on it – thus benefitting all from those involved with the farms to those who utilize or drink water nourished by this soil.