Healthy Ways to Add Flavor to Your Coffee
An early morning cup of coffee can give you an energy boost and provide health benefits, but if sugar consumption concerns are an issue for you or you want an alternative to artificial flavoring products and creamers there are ways you can add flavor without upping calories and additives.
Others choose to add lemons or limes directly into their coffee for an unexpected citrus twist, while still others make homemade citrus syrup or extract by simmering zest from oranges, lemons or limes with water and sugar. As an alternative, stevia-based sweeteners are available with lower glycemic index than table sugar that may provide an alternate sweetener option that could replace traditional table sugar altogether.
Vanilla is another timeless coffee flavor, making a timeless statement when added to any beverage – hot or cold brew alike. Many also add brown sugar for an additional bit of sweetness; though this might add extra grams of sugar, this is still healthier than many creamers with added sweeteners that could contain added sweeteners.
Cocoa powder provides an ideal way to add a subtle chocolatey flavour without adding fat, making it the ideal option for those who enjoy mocha-inspired beverages and can help keep blood sugar under control – something which may be especially crucial if you suffer from diabetes or heart disease.
Cinnamon is another versatile spice, pairing well with foods such as coffee. Ceylon cinnamon has more beneficial phenolic acids for health than Cassia cinnamon, so using Ceylon could also lower blood sugar levels.
If you’re concerned about elevating your blood sugar, it is wise to avoid any added sugar in coffee, including any that claim to have reduced calories but still contain too much added sweetener. Instead, a natural sweetener such as maple syrup or agave could offer similar taste while having lower glycemic index numbers and no artificial ingredients.
Although black coffee contains only few calories, it is an excellent source of antioxidants and can help reduce cholesterol. If you can’t give up added sugars in your coffee, consider replacing standard creamer with milk or coconut milk instead – or making your own by mixing coconut milk with vanilla extract to create a nutritive beverage – or try vegan-friendly cashew milk which provides calcium and vitamins rich dairy alternatives! The key is experimentation until you find out what combination works for you.