How Do Coffee Shops Organize Their Mugs?
An attractively organized mug collection makes for an inviting and stimulating experience, providing the opportunity to browse or admire each mug more readily. There are various methods of organizing coffee mugs; including placing them in drawers or hooks on hooks on walls; or displaying them on trees – each providing their own solution while still celebrating and organizing your unique collection of mugs.
Arranging your mugs by color or theme is an efficient way to find just the right mug for any special event, while it is also great if you don’t want to part with certain ones (such as holiday or special-occasion ones). Or you could arrange them by size if your cabinets allow.
One creative way to display mugs is to construct a personalized mug wall. This simple DIY project doesn’t take up much room, yet can be tailored specifically to your collection. Kylee at The Inspired Room used a utensil rail and floating shelves atop for her wall design; alternatively you could try peg boards with hooks or wooden boards for similar results.
One great solution for mug storage is installing a mug bar in your kitchen, either near a window or along a side wall. Or you could create an entire beverage station like Laura Cattano Organizational Design’s beverage station which includes dishwasher and an entire coffee bar with kettle and toaster! For those without enough space, an attractive yet practical peg board mug holder such as House of Turquoise offers is another elegant solution.
Coffee shop owners may find drawers an effective solution, as they allow staff members easy access to needed mugs without stacking. You could also consider placing the mugs in a chest or crate with dividers to protect from dust and other debris – as suggested on The Home Organization.
No matter how your coffee shop organizes its mugs, the key to providing exceptional customer service to all your customers is making sure all staff understand and follow proper procedures for handling each item. Regular training sessions and clear protocols can help establish consistency and avoid confusion for employees as well as managers leading by example can ensure employees follow suit and uphold shop standards, keeping customers satisfied by friendly service at your coffee shop.