Acidity refers to the PH level of coffee, one of several characteristics that contribute to its flavor profile. Unfortunately, for people with delicate digestive systems (such as Acid Reflux sufferers), high levels of organic acids in a cup can be problematic and lead to heartburn or stomach issues if taken regularly – luckily there are ways to lower acidity without losing flavor!

Some brands of low acid coffee use additives to decrease acid content while others roast their beans at lower temperatures for longer and at longer roasts, further decreasing acid content. Furthermore, where coffee beans are grown and harvested can influence their acid content; lower acid coffees tend to come from areas with less rain or drought which naturally lower acidity of beans grown there.

One effective strategy for lowering acid in your coffee is switching to cold brew, according to R. J. Selfridge of TruCup’s coffee specialist RJ Selfridge. Another method for decreasing acid is using coarser ground coffee because this allows for slower extraction of the fats and oils that make up acidity in a cup of java.