Coffee is often the first step of each day for many. Some add turmeric, adaptogenic herbs or other superfoods for added health benefits while others turn to bulletproof coffee or other butter-infused drinks as an extra energy booster, improved focus or weight loss aid. Though these trends might appear trendy now, people have actually been mixing butter with coffee since ancient cultures adopted the beverage as part of their diet over 1,000 years ago according to Emma Loewe, Director of Wellness at mindbodygreen.

One search online will bring up many claims regarding the health benefits of butter coffee consumption, including increased focus, improved mood and enhanced exercise performance. Furthermore, butter coffee may reduce cravings and prevent nutrient deficiencies, helping people shed unwanted weight faster.

Drinks made with unsweetened coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil (or coconut oil). MCT oils contain healthy fats that may aid in aiding low carb diets like ketogenic and Atkins; when combined together they may encourage the body to use fat as its main fuel source, leading to ketosis – the state whereby fat burns as fuel instead.

MCT oils can also serve as an ideal dairy replacement in vegan diets, which have become more and more prevalent today. But despite all of their potential health advantages, there is little scientific proof to back up claims made about butter coffee’s health effects.

Attracting much attention in wellness circles, turmeric tea may not be for everyone. Its high fat content may make digestion challenging. Furthermore, weak stomach muscles could have trouble processing all this fat – leading to discomfort such as bloating, gas and nausea.

No matter your choice regarding butter coffee consumption, it is essential to watch portion sizes. Also due to its high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol content, people taking medication for heart disease or having high cholesterol should avoid taking more than the prescribed amount.

St. Pierre does not advise people to forgo their morning coffee, but cautions about its high fat content which could cause people to become full quickly, leading to less eating throughout the rest of the day and contributing to weight gain. He suggests pairing coffee with protein-rich foods like fruits and veggies in order to ensure an evenly balanced diet; also recommends regular checkups to monitor cholesterol levels.