As a coffee lover, you know the joys of starting your day right with an invigorating cup of java can help set the right tone. Unfortunately, too much sugar and creamer can thwart your health goals, leading to unwanted weight gain or other chronic diseases. To stay on the healthy path and enjoy your coffee in moderation is key – learn how to enjoy it using only healthy ingredients and ingredients.

Most coffee creamers, including those manufactured by Coffee mate, contain artificial additives in the form of flavorings, preservatives and emulsifiers. Although these ingredients are considered safe by regulatory authorities, consuming too much can be unhealthy; additionally, their high sugar content could irritate those who are lactose intolerant or experiencing digestive issues.

Finding healthier creamers is the first step toward enjoying coffee without overindulgence, whether dairy or plant-based, without added sugar and using natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit as sweeteners. You could also add cinnamon for additional blood glucose control.

Consider selecting a nondairy creamer with only one or two ingredients that has been designed with health in mind, like those offered by Nutpods and Coffee Mate Oat Milk, that contain minimal ingredients and is low in fat content. Furthermore, MCT oil may help promote satiety by slowing the absorption of caffeine into your system.

Oat milk creamers might seem healthier than their dairy counterparts, but they still contain calories and sugars that may be detrimental to our health, depending on the formulation process. Some of these products contain fructose or corn syrup – both known to be harmful – while some contain hydrogenated vegetable oil which has been linked with heart disease.

Other oat milk-based products from Trader Joe’s contain less processed ingredients and have low caloric counts; they may even serve as an effective lactose-intolerant replacement to regular milk products.

Although many people use Coffee Mate as a milk substitute, this should not be done regularly as too much oat milk may lead to digestive issues such as bloating and indigestion as its starchy ingredients can be difficult to break down.

To achieve the optimal coffee drinking experience, combine just a small amount of nondairy creamer with honey or cinnamon for extra sweetness and extra flavor without the presence of excessive calories, sugars and fats found in most coffee creamers.