If acidity of coffee is an issue for you, there are various solutions available to you. Bean type can have an influence; processing methods and brewing techniques also play a part in how much acidity is extracted from each coffee cup.

Dark roasts typically contain less acidity than lighter varieties as the organic acids are burned away during roasting, while certain brewing methods like cafetiere or French press may further lower its acidity levels. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that acidity alone may not cause stomach issues for those sensitive to pH levels – it may instead be specific acids found within coffee bean oils that cause stomach upset instead.

Some manufacturers are now producing low acid coffee to address those with sensitive stomachs or acid sensitivity, as well as those looking for a smoother tasting beverage. Hevla uses high pressure steam washing to loosen waxy coating from green coffee beans prior to roasting, which significantly lowers acidity levels. Meanwhile, HealthWise employs an exclusive roasting method which removes some acidity while still maintaining great taste; they even infuse their coffee with antioxidants such as goji berries and matcha green tea which further lower acidity.