How is Organic Coffee Harvested?
Coffee beans, an annual crop harvested and sold worldwide, contain natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote health. Unfortunately, conventionally grown coffee beans also contain synthetic chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides used to enhance yield while protecting against diseases – this use contaminates water supplies as well as soil; organic farming prioritizes healthier practices to limit chemical usage while optimizing crop health.
Organic coffee not only avoids synthetic chemicals, but it also prioritizes biodiversity. Organic farms tend to be shade-grown, creating natural habitats for small plants, animals and insects to flourish within. These ecosystems help keep soil fertile while supporting unique regional ecosystems – plus are more resilient against climate change’s increasingly extreme weather patterns that make farming increasingly challenging for many farmers.
Organic coffee prioritizes human health and safety by prohibiting GMOs, antibiotics and food additives that could endanger human wellbeing. It is produced under more sustainable crop rotation plans that mandate only using natural fertilizers instead of chemical pesticides for growing.
How is organic coffee harvested?
Harvesting organic coffee differs significantly from conventionally grown varieties. Since organic beans are seasonal crops, harvest season depends on which hemisphere the farm resides in and can be affected by too much rain or sun; once harvesting season arrives, coffee cherries must be carefully picked by hand and sorted to ensure quality before being transported to a roaster or co-op who specialize in ethical and artisanal organic coffee sourcing.
Once at the roaster or co-op, coffee is carefully roasted to bring out its unique flavor profiles before it’s packaged and shipped off for shipment. Organic coffee production spans the globe but is localised so consumers can easily access organically grown products in their home countries. Because organic coffee’s global reach ensures more people purchase sustainable and fair production methods, buying organically sourced coffee helps support both your local community as well as agriculture for the future.