Coffee can make any day better. But its quality can have a dramatic impact on how it makes you feel – which is why finding an enjoyable yet healthy way of enjoying caffeine is essential. Sugar and cream may add flavor, but they don’t always provide optimal health benefits; other ways of sweetening may be better for your wellbeing.

honey as a natural sweetener can help cut back on how much refined sugar you’re consuming, while simultaneously improving the taste of your coffee without adding unnecessary calories. Plus, unlike regular sugar, honey doesn’t affect blood glucose levels directly and offers healthier solutions for those trying to cut back.

Cocoa powder offers another healthy way to sweeten coffee: not only will it add delicious flavor, but its abundance of antioxidants may also help lower heart disease risk. Unsweetened cocoa powder offers maximum nutrition as it has undergone minimal processing and retains most nutrients.

Salt can help alleviate some of the bitterness associated with lower-grade coffee beans. You could try sprinkling a pinch in your cup or adding it before brewing to offset some of its bitterness and increase enjoyment.

Cinnamon can add sweetness and flavor to coffee without resorting to added sugar, as well as help to mask bitterness from poor-quality beans. Plus, its anti-inflammatory properties help boost metabolism while curbing appetite!