How MCUH Coffee Is Healthy
Coffee offers multiple advantages when consumed in moderation, including improved cognitive function, lower risk for Type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, lowered mortality rates and protection from oxidative stress – helping protect livers, kidneys and hearts.
Coffee is an excellent source of caffeine, an energy booster that can increase energy levels and speed up metabolism, but it also contains potassium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B6; all key elements for muscle function, blood cell production and maintaining a strong immune system.
Add coffee to your diet for an energy boost, and research has revealed that its caffeine can enhance exercise performance when consumed alongside carb-rich food such as bread, oatmeal or yogurt. Furthermore, this same study also showed an increase in EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).
According to various studies, coffee may help combat dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, coffee may help relieve depression as well as lower the risk of gout and kidney stones while simultaneously increasing bone strength and endurance among athletes.
Coffee consumption should not be excessive as this can have numerous side effects such as high blood pressure and heart rate, dehydration, digestive issues, insomnia anxiety and jitters. Pregnant women and anyone experiencing gastrointestinal problems are advised to limit their coffee intake for maximum benefits.
Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of existing studies, and discovered that drinking approximately four cups of coffee daily may be ideal. People who regularly consumed this amount had the lowest risk of premature death as well as being less likely to develop certain diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Experts claim that when people drink coffee, the caffeine blocks adenosine – a neurotransmitter associated with sleep. This causes your brain to become more active, making you more alert in the morning or during midday slumps. Coffee has also been shown to reduce tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease and enhance concentration and mental performance, though for optimal results it should be consumed without cream or sugar to avoid extra calories and saturated fats. Make sure that your coffee comes from a sustainable growing practice and seek local roasting for maximum impact on both economy and environment. Doing this also guarantees your beans won’t have been genetically modified! Finally, drink it before or during meals to minimize stomach upset.