Recently, decaf coffee has undergone an unprecedented surge in popularity, thanks to increasing awareness among conscious consumers. Decaffeinated options now span from regular and decaf varieties all the way through organic varieties with chemical-free manufacturing to handcrafted options made with care in artisan workshops around the country; all offer vastly differing health, flavor and environmental impacts depending on which route is taken by each drinker. The choice you make could have profound ramifications for both health and taste experiences alike!

Most of our decaf coffees are processed using the Swiss Water Method, an organic and chemical-free technique which uses water to extract caffeine from green coffee beans. Water soaks deep into each bean, dislodging caffeine molecules through osmosis; this method has been estimated to remove around 94% of caffeine present. In comparison with chemical solvent methods (which may leave residue), this approach leaves behind no chemicals and produces no toxic by-products.

Decaffeination processes cannot claim to be 100% caffeine free; however, Swiss Water decaf is extremely close; leaving just trace amounts on beans after processing. Experts tend to agree that even organic decaf coffee still contains some trace amounts of caffeine; however they generally find these traces much lower than what might be found in regular cups of joe.

One of our most frequently asked questions is “how much caffeine is in organic decaf?” Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer as this depends on both the original caffeine content of the coffee and its decaffeination process. Most of our decaf coffees typically contain around 10% to 15% of what would normally be found in an average cup of coffee; that amount is equivalent to what would be found in one ounce of dark chocolate or less than half as much in one can of Coke!

Therefore, for anyone attempting to reduce their caffeine consumption, we believe the optimal choice would be organic Swiss Water decaf coffee which contains less than 1% caffeine. Our experience shows this offers delicious yet rich coffee beverages without keeping us up at night while mitigating potential negative side effects associated with increased levels of caffeine consumption.

As well as selecting a roaster that prioritizes farmer health through fair prices through direct trade and no use of agrochemicals on crops, we suggest finding an ethical roaster that values protecting both the environment and hardworking people who cultivate our beans – something which goes far beyond simply reducing caffeine in your drink! At Soma Roasting Company we appreciate coffee’s nuances, and are delighted to offer organic certified-organic and ethically sourced decaf coffee options so you can make an informed decision that fits with both tastes and health goals! Give us a try – our decaf coffees could change your morning routine!