Chaga mushrooms have long been recognized for their powerful healing benefits. With numerous anti-inflammatory and immune system enhancing properties as well as being natural anti-aging herbs, Chaga tea is a simple and delicious way to incorporate this powerful superfood into daily routine. While much information about its benefits exists online, most studies conducted over 40-60 years ago and without adequate randomized, placebo or controlled studies can’t provide solid proof.

Consuming Chaga regularly may bring many health advantages; however, as with any food or supplement, it’s important to be aware of any possible side effects and know when enough is enough. It is recommended to limit yourself to three cups of Chaga tea each day as drinking too much at once may lead to digestive distress; increasing consumption gradually over time would be better.

Chaga is abundant with antioxidants that can help to slow down aging by protecting cells from damage. They also reduce inflammation and protect against high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, with Beta-D-glucans acting to lower high cholesterol and prevent blood clots as well as provide protection from cardiovascular disease and stroke. Furthermore, it contains compounds which reduce oxidative stress to avoid high blood pressure symptoms, along with anti-inflammatory substances like ergosterol peroxide peroxide and inotodial, which help regulate your immune system.

Chaga mushroom can be prepared in numerous ways, with one of the most popular being making tea from chunks or powder. A chunk-brewed tea can be created by heating water almost to boiling point and placing pieces of chaga into your teapot, then simmering it for at least 15 minutes and up to 1 hour – longer steeping means stronger tea! Tea can be drunk either hot or cold and sweetened with honey or cinnamon as desired.

Arctic Chaga offers another way to enjoy its healing properties: making a tincture. This method involves soaking dried chaga in alcohol for several days or weeks to extract its non-water soluble components such as triterpenes and phytosterols – an approach which also increases its nutritional density in our tinctures and extract powders. Arctic Chaga also employs ultrasonic frequency technology in their alcohol extraction technique in order to maximize our tinctures’ nutritional density and maximize our extract powder offerings.

Our Chaga Herbal Infusion is crafted with wild-grown Canadian Chaga and Reishi – two powerful adaptogens known to strengthen immune function and promote overall wellbeing – creating an earthy blend that’s perfect for self-care moments.