If your morning cup of joe is an essential part of life, take comfort knowing that in moderation caffeine consumption is actually beneficial to health. Too much coffee may have undesirable side effects; most individuals can tolerate up to four to five cups daily without experiencing adverse side effects. Medical conditions and medications can influence your tolerance to caffeine – if in doubt about what amounts are safe, please speak with a doctor immediately.

Some studies have linked high coffee intake with an increased risk of cancer (prostate, endometrial and skin), heart disease or suicide; however, most research indicates otherwise. On the contrary, most evidence points toward coffee being beneficial; indeed studies have discovered regular coffee drinkers have lower risks of liver cancer (with 2 cups daily consumption), type 2 diabetes, stroke as well as depression, Parkinson’s disease and even suicide risk reductions due to regular consumption.

One cup of coffee contains powerful phytochemicals called antioxidants that protect the body against free radical damage and boost immune function, including chlorogenic acid – an acid thought to lower your risk for certain cancers and slow tumor growth. Furthermore, drinking coffee has also been suggested as possibly inhibiting melanoma formation by stopping production of pro-inflammatory enzymes which contribute to its development.

Coffee’s rich in antioxidants, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium helps prevent muscle cramps and spasms; potassium balances blood pressure; while two to three cups per day could potentially lower liver cancer risks by 43% while increasing survival by 57% compared to those who avoid coffee altogether.

Coffee is generally regarded as safe, however some individuals may experience adverse side effects from caffeine such as jitters, stomach upset or insomnia. If this happens to you, reduce or switch to decaf coffee to reap all its benefits without the side effects. Working with a registered dietitian is the ideal way to incorporate coffee into your lifestyle in a way that brings optimal wellness benefits – click here now and find one near you!