how many ounces of coffee a day is healthy

While coffee can give us an energy boost and help fight fatigue, too much caffeine can actually leave us jittery, anxious or struggling with sleep. That’s because too much caffeine has been linked to health complications like palpitations, high blood pressure and headaches – however recent research indicates that drinking two to five cups daily of coffee may offer health benefits too!

Researchers and experts agree that adults can safely consume 400 milligrams of caffeine daily – the equivalent to approximately four 8-ounce cups of regular coffee – without experiencing negative side effects from caffeine consumption. Kearney and Eslinger estimate this dosage is enough for most adults to benefit from all of its positive aspects while minimizing any possible negatives.

Coffee’s benefits can be traced directly back to its antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and help ward off many common conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Coffee may also support healthy brain function and memory recall while controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels while decreasing gallstone risks and preventing gout and inflammatory bowel diseases.

Researchers have discovered that regular coffee drinkers have lower risks of heart disease and depression. A 2022 study of those drinking three or more cups daily had a 19 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and 30 percent lower risk from coronary heart disease, respectively. Furthermore, another recent UK-wide research project of over 8,500 participants suggests drinking two to five cups may reduce risks related to liver disease, Alzheimer’s and other chronic diseases.

For optimal coffee enjoyment while mitigating its negative impacts, keep cup sizes reasonable and avoid adding excessive sweeteners and fats. Choose coffee that has not been treated with chemicals or preservatives; women should use less than 1 teaspoon of sugar while men can add 1 tablespoon.

Try choosing organically-grown coffee beans, as these tend to contain less pesticides. You can search online or ask your local artisan roaster what beans they use.

Turmeric can also increase your beverage’s health benefits, thanks to curcuminoids it contains that have been shown to combat diabetes and cancer. Best used with black or iced coffee or smoothies – make sure not to add too much as it could result in bitter or unpleasant tastes!