Mushrooms have long been revered as an invaluable medicinal and healing plant. Thanks to their wide range of immune-enhancing and brain boosting properties, mushrooms are popularly used in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices alike. Tea can be one of the best ways to consume mushrooms as it boosts immunity while simultaneously relieving stress levels while supporting blood pressure and digestion health.

Nature’s Rise recently conducted a study which demonstrated the benefits of drinking mushroom tea daily as part of an effective and convenient solution to promote overall health and well-being. Not only did it enhance mood and energy levels for participants, they reported decreased stress and anxiety as well as an increase in their natural immune systems as determined by blood tests.

Study participants drank mushroom tea every day for six weeks and completed daily diaries and blood tests to monitor their progress over this six-week period. “These results are extremely encouraging; they show how including mushrooms into one’s diet can positively influence one’s ability to regulate stress levels and enhance immune functions,” according to David Longacre, CEO of Nature’s Rise.

Although the study didn’t analyze individual dosages of mushroom tea for each participant, it did reveal that those who consumed one in the morning reported significantly increased energy, reduced stress levels, improved focus, concentration and mental clarity as well as an increase in white blood cells as evidence of immune support and improved response against viral challenges.

While traditional tea is made by infusing Camellia sinensis leaves with hot water, mushroom tea is an herbal beverage made by mixing dried and ground/whole mushrooms with other herbs, fruits or spices to form a drinkable beverage. There are numerous mushroom-based herbal tea varieties on the market such as Lion’s Mane Reishi Cordyceps Chaga mushrooms as adaptogens which help resist and cope with oxidative stress as well as supporting healthy blood pressure and digestion.

An easy way to create mushroom tea is with a commercial tea blend, which can be found at any grocery store or natural foods retailer. Typically sold in bags and needing only boiling water to steep, these varieties require only minimal steps for preparation and steeping time. Homebrewing mushrooms is also an option, by adding dried and chopped up mushrooms or powder into hot water in a pot, then straining and drinking it afterwards. To enhance its health benefits, mushroom tea can be mixed with herbs such as ginger, turmeric or cinnamon to maximize health benefits and add an extra zing. Honey or lemon juice add depth and sweetness, creating an irresistibly delicious beverage sure to give a boost of energy and enhance skin radiance.