Cordyceps, or Himalayan Gold, is an adaptogen with powerful stress-busting capabilities that helps us manage stress, fight disease and live longer. Along with providing immunity-enhancing properties, this fungus also boasts impressive energy enhancing qualities making it suitable for athletes or anyone wanting to increase endurance and exercise performance.

Have you seen mushrooms popping up more and more frequently in products from your morning coffee to healthy snack options, but haven’t known how to cook with them at home? Mushrooms are an incredibly versatile ingredient and have been around for centuries in both Eastern and Western cuisine, lending themselves perfectly for both savory dishes as well as sweet dessert recipes. With more research being conducted into their health benefits we are beginning to appreciate exactly how essential mushrooms can be in our daily lives.

One of the easiest and tastiest ways to enjoy mushrooms is through tea-brewing, as this provides all of their healthful properties – including immune boosting abilities – without breaking a sweat!

There are various varieties of mushroom tea, but when making your own it’s essential to use only organic products of high quality. Dried or powdered mushroom should ideally be free from additives like sugar or artificial flavorings for best results and naturalness.

Begin brewing your own mushroom tea by heating water over medium heat and adding dried or powdered mushrooms, simmering until their colors begin to change, an indication that all their water-soluble components have been released into solution. Let it simmer for 30 to 1 hours while stirring periodically – the tea should be ready when its orange hue has turned into white hue.

If using dried mushrooms, strain and transfer the tea to another container for storage – either refrigerate for up to two weeks before use or freeze for later.

There are also a variety of supplements on the market that contain cordyceps. Some come in capsule form for easy swallowing while liquid extracts may be taken either alone or mixed into beverages. To avoid overdoing it with one ingredient, pre-made mushroom teas might also be helpful.

Andrea Gentl is an ardent enthusiast for mushroom powders. She regularly incorporates them into both sweet and savory recipes and believes in their health benefits.