how to make a healthy cup of coffee

Alternatively, consider upgrading your morning cup so that you can still get your caffeine fix without all the added sugars and fats found in traditional beverages.

Get the most from your coffee by optimizing its composition – which includes eliminating sugary syrups and creamers with simple swaps to improve morning health. Here are a few changes you can implement right now that will make mornings healthier!

Substituting dairy milk with plant-based options like almond and oat milks. Plant-based varieties contain significantly less saturated fat, helping you cut back on unhealthy calories. Furthermore, choosing non-fat versions will further lower the amount of milk fat present in your drink, potentially decreasing your risk for heart disease.

Substitute sugar with natural, calorie-free sweeteners such as stevia or monk fruit for some added sweetness. You could also try cinnamon or vanilla extract as these options offer both flavor and health benefits!

Opt for organic coffee beans if possible; not only are they free of harmful pesticides, but their higher levels of polyphenol antioxidants offer many health advantages – including lower risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Avoid sugar-free creamers and syrups as these contain artificial sweeteners with known adverse health impacts and additional calories.

Drink your coffee black. While it may take some getting used to, this is the healthiest choice since no added sugars or fats will be added to it. Add flavor with cinnamon as research has proven its ability to lower both blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Use a smaller mug or reduce your serving size for coffee to decrease calorie consumption. Serving coffee from larger cups encourages overeating, leading to weight gain.

Limit yourself to no more than 1-2 cups per day of coffee; any more can interfere with sleep and lead to jitters, stomach upset, and other adverse side effects.