For those suffering from acid reflux or indigestion or preferring less acidy coffees, here are a few effective strategies for creating acid free beverages at home. By making some minor tweaks to your coffee brewing process, you can reduce acid in your cup of joe and aid your stomach’s ability to digest it more easily.

Your choice of beans can also have an effect on how acidic your coffee will be. Studies have revealed that darker roast coffees tend to have lower acidity due to having fewer compounds which cause your stomach to release acids into your system.

Other variables that influence how acidic your coffee can be include brewing temperature, grind size and extraction time. A coarser ground coffee will have a lower extraction rate which can help decrease its acidity; similarly reducing brew times will lessen how much acid is extracted from your grounds.

Milk can also help your coffee stay acid-free by neutralizing its acidity; dairy milk’s pH balance of 7 works well to do this, though for something even more neutral try switching out for soy or oat milk as alternatives.

By using a mesh filter, paper filter, or French press to stop acids from seeping into your cup of coffee – especially beneficial for cold brew and Turkish coffee since this allows the grounds to steep longer and reduces acidity – you can successfully prevent acidity.