Many people enjoy drinking coffee each morning to give them an energy boost and provide them with an instant energy boost. Some like to add milk and sugar while others may prefer black coffee without cream or sugar added. It has been shown that drinking black coffee without cream or sugar may lower risks associated with high cholesterol and obesity as well as decrease stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes risks.

Milk, cream and sugar add calories to a cup of coffee that could otherwise be healthier – yet there are ways you can still make black coffee taste great without increasing its calorie count by removing these additives and brewing your beverage in ways that enhance its flavor.

First step to making delicious black coffee is using fresh, high-quality beans that offer smooth and sweeter tastes than their stale counterparts. Furthermore, grinding your beans correctly is essential; too fine can result in overly bitter coffee while too coarse can leave the beans under-extracted and under-extracted from extraction, leading to underextracted and under-extracted coffee that turns sour over time.

Purchase a grinder so you can grind your beans yourself for optimal coffee results. Burr grinders work particularly well here as they can adjust to fit any filter size or mug shape; find one online or at your local hardware store.

One way to enhance the flavor of your coffee is through experimentation with different brewing methods. From French press and pour over techniques to just altering how you boil the water differently – try them all until you find one that makes your black coffee taste even better than before!

It can be challenging to switch over from drinking your coffee with cream and sugar to black coffee suddenly, so the key to smoothing the transition is measuring out what amount is usually consumed daily before gradually decreasing it each day until your cup contains only black coffee.

Change can be hard, but changing your coffee-drinking habits could have significant benefits on your health. By drinking black coffee instead of adding cream or sugar to it, calorie and fat consumption is reduced considerably; thus if you’re looking to be healthier it’s wiser to switch over and enjoy your morning cup sans additions.