Dunkin’ Donuts has long been a favorite destination for coffee enthusiasts. Unfortunately, some of its beverages contain too much sugar and calories for health-conscious individuals; with a few adjustments it may be possible to enjoy their quick brew without feeling guilty afterwards. If you want to reduce calorie and sugar consumption this article provides simple strategies for making dunkin coffee healthier.

Start off right by opting for black or unsweetened tea to reduce the amount of added sugar, then opt for small sizes with skim milk to save some calories and cut costs. A cappuccino prepared using skim milk comes to 70 calories; or for even faster service ask your barista to keep things simple by forgoing the whipped cream topping, which could save an additional 40.

Cold brew coffee is another low-cal option. This method steeps coffee grounds for 12 hours in cold water to extract rich flavors while cutting back on sugar content – each medium-sized cold brew is just 5 calories! A delicious way to experience coffee’s flavors without added sweetness!

As with anything, plain lattes can be a wise option for those trying to cut calories from their drink. A regular skim milk latte has only 20 calories and low sodium levels, making it a smart pick when restricting carbohydrate consumption. A cappuccino may also be good – just keep in mind that one cup could contain up to 90 calories with two shots of espresso! For optimal results it may be wiser to stick to smaller cups when ordering from local vendors.

If you want a sweet drink with less calories and fat, a French vanilla shot could be an ideal solution. Syrup only adds 5 calories while still leaving your drink low in sugar and fat content compared with swirls which can pack in as many as 150.

Frozen beverages tend to be high in both calories and sugar content, and can easily defrost in seconds when reaching the drive-thru window – meaning your drink will already be made before reaching it!

While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to ordering drinks at Dunkin’ Donuts, these tips should help you select drinks tailored specifically to your dietary needs and preferences. By keeping it simple with minimal additions of whipped cream or syrups can significantly decrease the calorie and fat count in your beverage, and also cut back on fat and sugar intake. You could further make it healthier by asking the barista to use sugar-free syrups and sweeteners in their beverage creation process.