Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) have long been used medicinally in Asia for thousands of years, often as part of traditional tea ceremonies. Also referred to as “lingzhi,” Reishi mushroom are thought to have numerous health-promoting properties that may benefit all generations alike, including strengthening immunity, lowering blood pressure, alleviating stress and increasing energy. Learn how you can use this natural healing agent when making tea using Reishi as your base ingredient!

Reishi tea is an enjoyable and refreshing way to experience the power of this potent fungus. Simply boil slices of reishi in water until its liquid has thickened before straining out any sediment before pouring it into cups or glasses and enjoying this healthy drink with honey or lemon for additional flavor enhancement.

Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides that stimulate immune function and may even prevent tumor growth, as well as reduce blood pressure and improve sleep disorders – however more research needs to be conducted on this matter before we can confirm these effects. Reishi tea may also provide benefits to those experiencing chronic fatigue, depression or nervous breakdowns and improve overall quality of life.

Reishi has long been used as a tonic to strengthen immunity, increase energy and mitigate stress. Studies have also examined its effect on cancer patients including liver and colorectal cancer patients – one such study demonstrated its anticancer properties by increasing white blood cell activity while decreasing new cancer cell formations.

Reishi tea can be prepared in various ways, but one of the best methods is creating a double extraction tincture with both water- and alcohol-soluble compounds for maximum potency. Reishi can be made from various ingredients; high quality organic mushrooms should always be chosen when making an alcoholic tincture as this form of preparation captures more active compounds from Ganoderma Lucidum than any other form of preparation does.

Reishi tea may contain other medicinal plants as well, including shiitake, chaga, tulsi and licorice root. All of these medicinal plants offer specific health benefits; however, this recipe should not be consumed if pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from any condition which affects their blood.

As well as drinking reishi tea, its effects can be enhanced through adopting healthy lifestyle practices such as eating a well-balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity and rest, and managing your stress levels effectively. By following these simple guidelines you’ll reap all the rewards of this healing fungus and may see positive results within just days! So why wait – give it a go now; you won’t regret it!