Medicinal mushroom teas provide many health advantages. Packed with antioxidants, they can boost immune function, increase energy levels and promote cognitive and emotional well-being. While most people associate mushrooms with mind-altering effects like magic mushrooms, there is also an expansive world of edible fungi offering medicinal benefits without hallucinogenic properties.

Even though mushroom tea may not be as well-known as green or black tea, making your own is easy and quick at home. Simply steep dry herbs in hot water using either a tea bag or simply steep them yourself for best results. However, for optimal mushroom tea experiences it’s essential that preparation be carried out correctly for maximum enjoyment!

First step to making homemade mushroom tea: Finely chopping or grinding dried mushrooms into smaller pieces for greater surface area and stronger infusion. Next, bring water to a boil, add chopped or ground mushrooms and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes without reaching full boiling. Remove pot from stove after several minutes and strain mixture through strainer; this will separate dried herbs or tea bags from mushroom tea.

Store your tea in a mason jar or glass container with a tight fitting lid to prevent spoilage, then drink it straight or add your preferred sweetener/cinnamon for a more delicious experience. Keep in mind that different mushrooms can have different effects, so experiment with various kinds and dosage levels until you find what best meets your needs.

For an especially potent tea experience, finely chop or grind magic mushrooms before combining them with ingredients such as cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods or cloves to enhance both their taste and psychoactive effects of psilocybin. Feel free to add other medicinal mushrooms or herbal teas that are legal in your jurisdiction as long as they do not alter the effect.

Dependent upon the mushroom you select and the strength of your tea, its effects could take anywhere from an hour or two for it to take effect. Therefore, for optimal results it should be consumed in an environment which promotes relaxation. Also be sure to eat a light meal prior to drinking it to prevent stomachaches.

Psilocybin-rich mushrooms can provide spiritual experiences for some individuals, as well as reduce anxiety and depression during cancer treatments. According to research, those taking regular doses of psilocybin mushrooms could see better outcomes against their disease as they experience visual hallucinations – further relieving stress.