Mcdonalds Iced Coffee can be an indulgent and highly caloric treat, yet can still be made healthier by creating it at home and controlling all ingredients used compared to restaurant versions. Another approach would be asking for one with less milk and no sugar; this will reduce caloric intake while still tasting great; though you should expect this solution to result in luke warm beverages instead of cold ones.

At McDonald’s, any drink with the appearance of dessert should be avoided – particularly ones like their McCafe Frappe Mocha (16 ounce) which contains 560 calories, 24 grams of fat (including an estimated daily amount of saturated fat 15), 70 grams of sugar and 1,040 milligrams sodium. You could lower these values further by opting for nonfat milk in place of whole milk for your beverage – both would significantly cut back calories and fat content.

Trying to reduce the amount of sugar in your drink? Ask for no syrup or use your own sweetener – both will reduce calories while helping lower glycemic index levels. Another effective method for cutting back on sugar content in an iced coffee drink is low-calorie stevia which will decrease calories and sugars by around 40%; especially noticeable if selecting a flavor-infused drink!