As psychonauts increasingly recognize the therapeutic value of psychedelic mushrooms and use them as tools in mindfulness and meditation practices, many are exploring various methods to make the most of their experiences with them. While consuming whole mushrooms remains the standard way of experiencing psilocybin mushrooms, more experienced psychonauts have begun exploring mushroom tea as another viable approach to experiencing its effects.

Making mushroom tea offers several advantages over eating whole mushrooms or eating those embedded in chocolate bars and candies, including controlling dosing with water volume adjustments and creating an easy to customize beverage that features your favorite herbs and spices for more flavorful combinations. Furthermore, tea usually starts to work within 30-60 minutes as liquids travel more quickly through our digestive systems than solid foods do.

Mushroom tea may be easier on the stomach than whole mushrooms due to its less crunchy consistency. Furthermore, grinding up mushrooms and steeping them in hot water has even greater medicinal effects than simply eating whole mushrooms, since heat helps the body absorb psilocybin more quickly. Furthermore, drinking warm beverages with mushrooms may reduce nausea caused by their indigestible parts such as chitin.

Mushroom tea preparation offers another advantage – discreet use. While you can purchase psilocybin-infused chocolate bars and gummies from various vendors, it might not always be suitable if privacy or travel are concerns. Making your own mushroom tea allows for discreet consumption at home or while traveling; simply carry it in a thermos for discreet consumption without risk of anyone knowing your intentions.

Finally, mushroom tea is untraceable on drug tests. While other psychedelic substances might show up on saliva or blood tests, psilocybin is excreted through urine within hours after use and will not appear on a urinalysis. However, it should be noted that if using it medicinally it’s wise to be extra vigilant by conducting a urine test prior to taking medication containing psilocybin.

Are You Searching for Relief From Anxiety or Depression, or Wanting to Explore the World Around You? Psilocybin and other psychedelics Can Be Useful In These Ways (Brown 2017) If you want a way to ease anxiety or overcome depression or simply explore more about your world, using Psilocybin with trained therapists may be extremely beneficial in doing just that! Try one of our easy mushroom tea recipes today and see how psilocybin could change your life for good! Enjoy!