Mushrooms provide many health benefits, from fiber to anti-oxidants. Adding them to tea or coffee is a simple way to incorporate more mushrooms into your diet; however, mushrooms often taste earthy when used as the basis of a hot beverage base. But this mushroomy take on Mexican hot chocolate is different! It is dairy-free (you can use either oat or cashew milk) yet satisfyingly indulgent thanks to cacao powder’s chocolatey sweetness and mushroom blend’s subtle energy boost – perfect as an early start on your day!

Cacao powder is created from the fibrous husks of cacao beans, an unwanted by-product of chocolate production. Once considered waste product and thrown out, they have since been recognized for their nutritional benefits and increasingly prized as food items or tea ingredients. Cacao powder differs from cocoa powder in that its production uses beans that have been processed at lower temperatures and therefore retain more nutritive value than traditional cocoa powder made with beans roasted and ground before becoming powder.

Cacao powder’s benefits can be attributed to its abundance of antioxidants, especially flavonoids. Antioxidants play an essential role in human health by helping reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of heart disease and inflammation; they even balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation! Furthermore, magnesium found in cacao helps soothe sore muscles while also improving cardiovascular wellness.

Psilocybin starts breaking down at around 70degF, so be careful to keep the temperature under this threshold when making medicinal tea or drinks. Ideally, this temperature should remain between this point and that for maximum effectiveness – it’s therefore crucial that mushrooms be added last as everything has settled enough before doing this step.

This recipe is simple to prepare and the ingredients can be found at most grocery stores and natural food stores. Simply boil water before pouring over your chosen mushrooms – we suggest Bravo Tea Mushroom Wonders from Sprouts Farmers Market or Fresh Thyme Market) for optimal results! Sweeten with your preferred sweetener before drinking! This beverage makes an excellent morning drink that you can add into smoothies or coffee as an additional boost of antioxidants! To store mushroom tea properly, place in an airtight container in the fridge – usually it lasts several weeks but freezing is also fine!