As psychedelic mushrooms have become more mainstream and sought-after, more users are searching for new ways to enjoy the extraordinary effects of these magical mushrooms. While eating mushrooms or truffles is the traditional approach for experiencing psilocybin trips, tea offers another convenient and tasty method for experiencing it; its gentle digestion allows it to be consumed more frequently. In this article you’ll learn how to craft your own psychedelic mushroom tea from scratch!

Mushrooms have long been revered and used as part of human culture for their psychedelic effects, from religious ceremonies to medicinal use and even recreational use. Mushrooms are now widely accepted as safe alternatives to prescribed medications in many states and cities worldwide, making their psychedelic effects legally permissible in several places around the globe.

One of the most popular ways of consuming psilocybin mushrooms is through making tea. There are various recipes for making this tea, but generally speaking the general idea is to steep mushrooms in hot water until all their constituents have been soaked up by it and consumed more effectively; this also removes indigestible parts that might otherwise cause nausea. Once created, this beverage can often be enhanced with additional herbs or spices for flavor or health benefits like Reishi which has been found to reduce stress levels; Chaga which improves immune system functioning; or Cordyceps which boost exercise performance – among many more!

Consuming mushrooms as tea offers another advantage: you can dilute it to control its potency. For instance, to experience all of the effects from one gram of mushrooms would require 24 oz of tea in order to absorb all of its psilocybin content; this allows for precise dosing control when microdosing.

If you are new to magic mushroom consumption, it is wise to start off slowly with smaller servings. This allows your body to adjust without the fear of side effects such as nausea. How much psilocybin enters your system also depends on whether they are fresh or dried mushrooms – which will impact their intensity of effect on you.

No matter whether using fresh or dried mushrooms, it is crucial that they are ground into powder before creating tea with them. Doing this will increase their surface area and make it easier for psilocybin to dissolve in hot water more quickly. You can use either a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle or simply place the mushrooms into a Ziploc bag and break them up using a knife or sharp object into fine dust.

Mushroom tea bags provide an easy and straightforward method of microdosing, providing quick and effortless way of adding small doses of psilocybin into drinks or meals. These mushroom tea bags make this process as painless as possible!