How to Make Reishi Coffee
Reishi coffee can be an excellent alternative to regular coffee, providing focus, productivity and energy without the jitters associated with traditional java. Reishi is also known for being an adaptogen which helps reduce stress while increasing immunity.
Reishi mushroom, commonly referred to as the ‘Mushroom of Immortality’, has been utilized for over 2,000 years by Chinese medicine in order to support overall wellbeing. Reishi contains polysaccharides which aid immunity while increasing energy levels and helping relax mind.
Reishi coffee can be easily created by mixing together one cup of your preferred cold brew coffee with one teaspoon of mushroom powder (reishi is the most commonly used choice). A blender is best suited for this task; alternatively you could heat milk on the stove before whisking all the ingredients together until frothy in a small saucepan; maple syrup or honey may further sweeten this delicious beverage!
Once done, simply pour your reishi coffee into a mug and enjoy. For something different, why not add chocolate or cinnamon for a boost of antioxidants!