Coffee can set the tone for your day, providing energy boosts and stimulating senses, but too much caffeine can cause jitteriness, stress and anxiety. Switching out caffeine for functional mushrooms may help enhance your mood, reduce stress and revitalize your body in more effective ways: by strengthening immunity systems, helping focus attention and even aiding with sleep!

Mushrooms have long been used as an aid to enhance vitality, longevity and immunity. Mushrooms work by activating white blood cells within our bodies that act like powerful soldiers fighting off bacteria, viruses and other pathogens – with some popular “immunity-boosting” blends including Reishi, Cordyceps Chaga Lion’s Mane mushrooms providing added immune-enhancing compounds including polysaccharides and triterpenes that have numerous health benefits.

When looking for high quality reishi mushroom coffee, it is crucial that it contains powder derived from whole fruiting bodies instead of just mycelium, since mycelium grown on grains only contains a fraction of water-soluble molecules present in an actual mushroom. The best reishi mushroom coffees will include powder made of whole reishi fruiting bodies along with ingredients such as raw cacao nibs, ashwagandha root powder and C8 MCT oil extracted from coconut.

Making Reishi Mushroom Coffee at HomeWhen it comes to making Reishi mushroom coffee at home, one of the easiest and best methods is by mixing cold brewed coffee with mushroom extract, nut butter, ginger, cinnamon and milk for a frothy and delectable beverage that can be customized according to personal taste preferences. The result can be enjoyed anytime of the day!