While Starbucks drinks tend to be high in sugar and calories, with just a few menu tricks you may be able to find an alternative with lower calorie and sugar intake that could help balance out our diets. We tapped two dietitians to reveal their go-to healthy coffee at starbucks options for maintaining a balanced diet.

If you’re trying to reduce sweeteners, opt for less syrup pumps or switch from full milk to skim instead – this will help lower calorie consumption while changing up your drink’s taste a bit and offering nutritional benefits without extra calories and saturated fat. Skim milk provides all of its nutritional value without extra calories or saturated fat content.

Caffe Misto is another delicious beverage option. Like its espresso-based cousin, this beverage features a 1:1 ratio of hot coffee, steamed milk and foamed milk for just 60 calories in size tall serving and 10 grams or fewer of sugar content. For an extra sweetening boost without extra fat calories or carbohydrates, use sugar-free syrups like Stevia instead to sweeten it further!

Starbucks fans love iced Frappuccinos, yet these beverages often contain high levels of sugar and fat. A tall Frappuccino contains around 140 calories with most coming from syrups or toppings added. If you want an icy beverage with less ingredients and sugar content, try an Iced Vanilla Latte instead at about 50 calories – both are delicious alternatives!

Starbucks offers many unsweetened iced beverages that are low in calories, such as Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Emperor’s Clouds and Mist (green tea) and Passion Tango Tea – each having zero cals and zero grams of sugar per tall iced beverage.

Caffe Mocha Frappuccino offers a sweeter way to get your caffeine fix while satisfying cravings with its higher caloric count, thanks to whipped cream topping. If desired, cut back by half using less or omit altogether to create a filling beverage with reduced sugar consumption.

Starbucks still offers their signature Pumpkin Spice Latte, but keep in mind that a size tall contains 80 calories – this could add up quickly when eaten as part of a meal! Therefore, opting for a smaller size could help limit calories while simultaneously enjoying all its flavors and textures more mindfully.

No matter your dietary goals or refreshment preferences, Starbucks’ menu has plenty of great drinks that fit seamlessly into them. By making some small adjustments and swaps, it should be easy for you to find an item on their list that meets them while helping your stay on track with nutrition goals.