how to prepare tea from ganoderma tsugae

Ganoderma lucidum, widely recognized for its medicinal properties, is one of the best-studied and highest marketed medicinal mushrooms on Earth – but unfortunately one of the more costly medicinal mushrooms as well.

Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is an Asia-wide medicinal mushroom renowned for its life-prolonging effects and proven its worth by antitumor, immunomodulatory, antiviral, and hepatoprotective activities. Unfortunately, few studies have looked into its impact on neurocognitive function.

This study is the first of its kind to investigate the effect of G. tsugae on cognitive performance in rats and its potential mechanisms, showing that GTDE successfully mitigates age-induced impairment of locomotion and spatial memory as well as aging-induced reduction of dendritic branching among neurons of hippocampus and cerebral cortex neurons, mitigating age-related cognitive decline by mitigating oxidative stress while inhibiting age-related cognitive decline.

Hemlock Varnish Shelf (Ganoderma Tsugae) is an extremely rare type of Reishi that can only be found in Appalachia and northeastern forests. This highly reflective mushroom, similar to varnished hemlock wood, can grow up to 30 cm wide and have the shape of kidney bean or fan; typically growing on decayed roots, trunks or branches from Hemlock trees.

William Alphonse Murrill of American mycologist William Alphonse Murrill first described G. tsugae in 1902 in the Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club Bulletin. Its specific epithet, Tsugae, refers to the host tree: Hemlock tree. While there may be similar-looking lookalikes within Ganoderma, G. tsugae can be easily distinguished due to its glossy appearance, habitat needs, and host tree.

Submerged culture may be an ideal method for extracting mycelium from colonies found in nature, according to its authors. Benefits of submerged cultivation include that the mushroom can be grown in small volumes while mycelium doesn’t come into direct contact with sawdust, eliminating needless environmental impact in polypropylene bags that would otherwise require fruit body development. It also reduces ecological damage caused by traditional cultivation methods like polypropylene bags.

Each order comes with a 12cc sterile syringe filled with 100% Clean Mycelium grown in liquid solution and a needle, usually being sent within 24 hours. Each syringe should contain enough mycelium for two or three flushes; should you require larger volumes, please reach out for a custom quote.