How to Prepare Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea
Turkey tail mushroom tea is an easy, delicious drink that provides numerous health benefits to the entire body, such as strengthening immunity, relieving anxiety and encouraging digestive harmony.
This article will show you how to prepare a turkey tail tea at home. Enjoy it hot or cold; add it to recipes for extra flavor and nutrition support; drink regularly for optimal wellness benefits!
The turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor) is an abundant member of the basidiomycetes family that can be found growing on logs, stumps and dead trunks of deciduous trees in Asia, Europe and North America. It gets its name from its ringed appearance which resembles turkey feathers. Tea can be prepared from simmering these mushrooms in water to release its medicinal properties into liquid form for powerful health remedies.
Turkey tail mushrooms have long been used as part of Chinese medicine, and are renowned for their ability to reduce inflammation, improve circulation and bolster immunity. Additionally, they’re often recommended as herbal treatments for respiratory conditions and digestive ailments like phlegm and constipation; it is thought that their antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties play a part in their therapeutic action.
This mushroom is packed with beta-D-glucans, known for their anticancer and immune stimulating effects, as well as providing other health-promoting biocompounds.
These compounds include polysaccharide peptides, adrenocorticoid-like steroidal compounds, triterpenoids and phenolic acids such as quercitin and baicalein. Animal studies have demonstrated the efficacy of turkey tail mushrooms’ polysaccharide peptides for improving liver function while protecting against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity.
Turkey tail mushrooms possess another important benefit – anti-inflammatory activity. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at significantly reducing inflammation response in animals, providing relief for chronic stress-related disorders and conditions.
Studies indicate that turkey tail mushroom extracts could offer protection from free radical damage thanks to their high levels of phenolic compounds. Further investigation will need to take place, but if these findings prove accurate this could open up new possibilities for application of turkey tail mushroom extracts.
Turkey tail mushrooms are easy to cultivate at home and can be enjoyed in various forms: tea, powdered turkey tail in main courses and desserts, or steeping them in alcohol for several weeks to create a tincture. Our Organifi Gold powder blend includes turkey tail as part of its extensive list of medicinal herbs to cleanse, relax and aid digestion – offering convenient yet delicious way of reaping their many healthful benefits!