Is Black Tea More Healthy Than Coffee?
Black tea is an energy-boosting drink with lower caffeine levels than coffee and can give the same energy boost. Plus, its reduced caloric intake may lower heart disease risks according to studies, plus L-theanine can enhance brain activity and concentration while simultaneously relieving stress disorders, improving mood and sleep hygiene.
One should not consume more than several cups of black tea daily; doing so could result in serious health complications, including tremors, headaches, vomiting, dizziness, stomach pain and loss of coordination. Drinking black tea with milk reduces its antioxidant properties; for optimal results drink it plain or with some lemon juice or honey added for flavoring purposes.
Camellia sinensis is an indigenous plant to China and widely cultivated and enjoyed around the world as a popular beverage. While caffeine-rich black tea provides great energy boost, its other nutritional and mineral benefits make it a staple beverage in numerous countries as well as protection from free radical damage caused by free radicals; additionally its polyphenol content acts as antioxidants protecting the body against free radical damage while simultaneously helping reduce cancer risks, boost immunity, slow aging, heart disease and diabetes risk and also ovarian cancer risk and strengthen bones.
Studies suggest that diets high in flavonoid compounds are linked with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death in the US. Black tea consumption may help decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels – considered an important risk factor for CVD; other research may have different results, yet.
Black tea contains numerous B vitamins, such as vitamins A and C. Furthermore, it also contains the amino acid riboflavin, which plays an integral part in glucose cellular metabolism and may help support immunity, prevent dehydration and regulate bowel movements.
Caffeine, the main component in black tea, is a mild stimulant that can improve cognitive function and alertness, as well as aid weight loss. While caffeine consumption in small doses is safe, too much may cause symptoms like jitters and shakes as well as disrupted sleep and higher blood pressure; optimally you should not exceed 400mg per day.
Black tea is an excellent solution for anxiety and hypertension sufferers as its lower caffeine content provides them with energy to workout at the gym in the morning. Incorporating black tea into your routine in this manner is also highly recommended when exercising early morning; you will gain an edge that helps with performance! However, late evening drinking of black tea should be avoided in order to maintain proper sleeping patterns; additionally it should not be given to children or babies due to possible reactions due to caffeine consumption.