is bulletproof coffee organic

Coffee drinkers have many different choices available to them when it comes to choosing their beverage of choice; traditional drip, espresso and cappuccino being among them. An increasingly popular trend among these is bulletproof coffee; made by mixing caffeine, grass-fed butter and medium chain triglyceride oil (MCT oil). This combination has quickly become a hit among ketogenic dieters, intermittent fasters and others who wish to improve energy levels and performance levels through intermittent fasting as well as people trying to increase performance through intermittent fasting or MCT oil supplementation – but is it really beneficial?

Coffee made with high-grade beans blended with grass-fed butter and Brain Octane oil has been said to increase focus, suppress hunger cravings and accelerate fat burning more effectively – the perfect morning beverage for anyone trying to maintain or lose excess pounds.

But can it really be done yourself, and how would you know if its ingredients were organic? Yes to both questions: you can easily make bulletproof coffee at home using organic, Rainforest Alliance Certified ingredients with ethical sources sourced locally. However, keep in mind this beverage contains significantly more calories and saturated fat than normal coffee varieties, so if your goal is weight loss stick with regular drip coffee instead.

Start with a high-quality blender and an assortment of grass-fed butter, Brain Octane oil and filtered water from any trusted supplier – online or local stores are both acceptable. However, for optimal results it’s best to purchase them from companies offering Bulletproof products, such as Dave Asprey’s Upgraded brand of coffee beans with reduced mycotoxin contamination – these mold toxins may harm the body over time.

To reduce exposure to these toxins, be sure to purchase high-quality coffee that has been properly roasted and stored. Upgraded brand coffee comes from farms without herbicides or pesticides and has high standards for worker safety and environmental conservation – not to mention they must meet a mycotoxin count before going for sale – something regular grocery store coffee can’t match.

Sugar should also be avoided because it will disrupt blood sugar levels and prevent you from burning fat effectively. As an alternative, use natural sweeteners such as xylitol, erythritol or stevia as natural sweeteners in your coffee, such as xylitol, erythritol or stevia for maximum results. Finally, adding other nutritious ingredients can add new flavors while providing additional benefits – collagen or gelatin powder will promote gut healing while tightening skin tightening while adding chia seeds or even just ghee will add extra creamy textures as well.