Is Caffeine Free Coffee Good For Acid Reflux?
Acid indigestion can be an unpleasant reality for some individuals. Certain foods or drinks can trigger heartburn and acid indigestion, particularly when combined with food sensitivities or allergies such as lactose intolerance or peanut allergies; similar considerations apply when considering coffee: regular caffeine’s acid can exacerbate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), worsening symptoms even further; but low acid alternatives exist that could provide relief.
Decaffeinated coffee offers an ideal alternative to regular java. Decaffeination removes caffeine, which can be an irritant to stomach cells, as well as decreasing acidity levels. One study even demonstrated that decaffeinated coffee caused stomach cells to secrete less acid than caffeinated versions!
Try coffee blends that contain less acidity, such as those containing ground chicory root or mushroom extract for an alternative roast that provides richer flavors while providing added benefits to gut health. Another possibility is matcha tea which has milder tastes yet still contains minimal acidity levels.
Keep in mind that not everyone experiences acid reflux the same way, so it’s essential to try various beverages to gauge how they impact you. Decaffeinated coffee may aggravate GERD in some, while it might reduce acid indigestion triggers for others. Furthermore, keeping a food diary may be useful in pinpointing specific food and beverages which cause discomfort.