is coconut cream healthy in coffee

Coffee drinkers know that adding cream makes their beverage even more enticing, yet not all types are created equal – some types may actually be healthier for you than others. Coconut milk has recently become increasingly popular as an ingredient in both hot and cold drinks alike – is coconut cream healthier in coffee? How does it compare with regular milk?

Coconut milk is a non-dairy alternative to heavy cream made from the meat of a coconut. With its deliciously rich and creamy texture, coconut cream works wonderfully in many recipes from soups to cakes. In addition to providing flavorful sweetness, it contains unique nutritional components including vitamin C, iron and potassium; but before including coconut cream into meals it’s essential that consumers understand its dietary content.

Coconut cream’s main drawback lies in its high fat content: one half-cup contains 35 grams of total fat – 53% of what a person should consume on an average day – most of it being saturated fats.

Another area of concern with this product is the amount of carbohydrates it contains; while some come from fiber sources, most come from sugar sources and present significant net carbs per serving compared to heavy cream’s 3 grams net carbs per serving.

Coconut cream’s fats come largely in the form of medium-chain triglycerides that are easier for our bodies to process into energy than long-chain fatty acids, making it an essential ingredient in ketogenic meals. Furthermore, its cholesterol and protein contents are lower than many dairy products as well.

Finding coconut cream that is low in sugar is possible, but be sure to read labels thoroughly for confirmation. Many commercial coconut milks and creams contain added sugar for flavor enhancement; when purchasing products with natural flavors that do not have additional added sugar or are sugar-free.

Interested in adding some sweetness without taking on additional calories? Try mixing in unsweetened cocoa powder or stevia – both readily available at most grocery stores – instead of sugar for an alternative sweetening solution in your coffee.

Coconut cream can add an exotic flair to any beverage. Not just limited to coffee, coconut cream can also be used in tropical smoothies or as an ingredient in baked goods – or mixed with ice cubes for homemade coconut iced coffee! While its unique flavor may entice people to use more often, keep in mind that due to its high level of fat and calories content it should only be used sparingly.