Coffee is a beloved beverage worldwide, considered both healthy and helpful in aiding productivity at work or school. But Muslims may have questions regarding its halal status since caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant that could potentially cause heart palpitations or insomnia when consumed excessively; some Muslims also believe that drinking too much coffee could intoxicate someone and prevent their prayers.

According to Muslim scholars, coffee may not be considered forbidden for non-Muslims as long as its beans are roasted and ground according to Islamic regulations and does not contain ingredients forbidden by Islam; if mixed with fat sources like butter from cows slaughtered according to Islamic law.

Though its precise origin is uncertain, coffee is believed to have originated in southern Arabia during the 15th century. One popular legend states that Kaldi, an Arab goatherd, discovered it after witnessing his goats acting strangely after eating from one bush’s berries; after tasting one himself and experiencing exhilaration himself he announced his discovery worldwide.

Once coffee reached Europe, it quickly gained widespread acceptance as both a social lubricant and energy booster, even among artists and intellectuals who used it to improve focus and concentration. By the 16th century, coffeehouses flourished across European cities while Muslim scholars deemed it prohibited because of its stimulating properties that may cause heart issues and addiction issues.

While debate remains on whether coffee is forbidden by Islam or permissible under it, many Muslims continue to consume it according to their faith and practices. Many experts have concluded that when properly prepared and not mixed with ingredients prohibited in Islam, coffee can actually be quite healthy beverage; studies have also revealed reduced risks of heart disease and diabetes when drinking coffee regularly. Therefore, Muslims are advised to make informed decisions when it comes to diet based on research and advice from experts.