Are You Starting Your Day with Coffee? Are You Beginning Each Day with Coffee? However, did you know that just a bit can be harmful to dogs? Although a few licks from a cup may not harm large dogs, small breeds could experience severe symptoms resulting from caffeine’s stimulant action on their central nervous systems causing anything from mild sickness to death in these pets.

Other ingredients in your coffee may also be harmful or toxic for pets, including sugar and milk products which can lead to obesity, while artificial sweeteners like xylitol (sometimes referred to as “birch sugar”) is known to be particularly toxic for canines. Cocoa beans, macadamia nuts and any flavors may also present hazards for your animal companion.

Your dog should never have access to caffeine products, including those not considered coffee such as soda and energy drinks, tea bags, chocolate, diet pills and over the counter pain medication combinations that contain caffeinated ingredients. Storing these items safely away from his reach will be the best way to ensure there is no accidental ingestion.

Signs of caffeine toxicity in dogs include rapid heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, tremors and seizures. More serious symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea and loss of muscle control; if this happens to your canine friend it is essential that veterinary assistance be sought immediately.

In some instances, early detection allows your veterinarian to provide supportive care at home to reduce heart rate and provide soothing measures so your dog can relax before symptoms worsen. In more serious instances, immediate treatment must be administered through either an emergency clinic or after-hours veterinarian service.

If your dog has accidentally consumed coffee, contact their veterinarian immediately and inform them as soon as possible. Do not try to induce vomiting on your own without first consulting and receiving instructions and consent from their vet; doing so could create further complications. They will likely recommend giving medications to control heart rate, tremors, vomiting and IV fluids in addition to drugs to regulate breathing rates.