Coffee is an esteemed beverage enjoyed by millions around the globe, made from roasted coffee beans harvested from berries of the coffee plant. Coffee is widely recognized for its stimulant effects that can boost mood and energy levels in some people when taken in moderation, as well as its abundance of antioxidants that may support health and wellness – many polyphenol antioxidants exist only in green coffee beans which have protective qualities against oxidation, thus contributing to their loss over time. Freshness is important here – even prolonged storage leads to loss of these essential nutrients due to oxidation.

Freshly ground beans offer a more fruity, concentrated taste than pre-ground coffee due to the majority of oils being preserved during grinding; when pre-ground is consumed this loss in oil dilution could negatively impact not only taste but also your health.

Beans provide fuel to the microbiome of your gut – helping it function more effectively and decreasing heartburn risk and tooth enamel erosion. By eating healthy diet and drinking enough water, you can ensure your gut microbiome remains in top condition to promote good health and feeling great!

Coffee offers more than antioxidant benefits; it also has nutritional and therapeutic advantages. Most notable among them is caffeine’s stimulating effects. Once in your bloodstream, caffeine travels directly to your brain where it blocks receptors of an essential chemical known as Adenosine and causes neurons to activate thus improving mood, focus and energy levels in some people.

Research indicates that regular coffee drinkers tend to have healthier livers and circulatory systems as well as lower rates of inflammation. Coffee has also been linked to lower risks for cancers, diabetes and dementia.

Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya El Razi of Persian descent made the earliest recorded mention of coffee’s medicinal properties sometime between 850-922 AD. He noted how it fortifies and dries out moisture that had collected under one’s members while providing an aromatic scent for all to smell and enjoy.

Whole bean coffee typically lasts longer than ground, but must be stored in a cool and dark environment with low humidity levels. Grindng the beans will expose it to more air, hastening oxidation; therefore it is recommended that they are ground just prior to brewing them. When storing in containers such as fridges or pantries it must remain airtight to prevent other smells affecting them and leading to diminished flavor over time.