Coffee is a beloved source of energy and mood enhancement, helping boost energy, focus, mood and metabolism. Research has linked coffee consumption with numerous health benefits including lower risks of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. But too much coffee may lead to acid reflux, irritability or muscle tremors for some individuals sensitive to caffeine; drinking too much may even trigger acid reflux or cause muscle spasms in sensitive individuals; it is also important to remember that individual tolerance levels vary so what works for one may not work for all.

Depending on how you prepare your coffee, its success can depend on its preparation. For optimal results, consume it black without sugar or sweeteners to lower calories, sugar and saturated fat consumption that contribute to cardiovascular disease. If adding milk instead, select unsweetened plant-based milks over regular dairy milk to limit sugar and saturated fat consumption while simultaneously providing essential calcium.

If you choose to add creamer or sugar, limit yourself to using only one teaspoon per cup – this will lower your calorie and sugar intake and remain within the recommended daily allowances. For added flavor and control of blood glucose levels, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and could help improve glucose management among diabetics.

To enjoy the healthiest coffee possible, the beans you select are of vital importance. They should be organically produced without pesticides. Be on the lookout for organic certification seals when shopping at local groceries or coffee shops.

Consider also the roasting process when selecting coffee beans. Roasting can alter both its taste and breakdown healthy compounds such as antioxidants and polyphenols; light roasts contain more of these beneficial components.

Home coffee grinding provides the healthiest method. By choosing how finely your beans are ground, you have more control over how many of these healthful compounds will be extracted during brewing process. French presses also maximize this benefit.

Opting for cold brew instead of hot coffee will also increase antioxidants in your beverage and may reduce acid reflux or stomach ache due to being lower in acids than traditional coffee. Although there may be concerns regarding coffee’s healthfulness (i.e. increased risk of liver cancer from high consumption and decreased heart attack risk in those with atrial fibrillation), studies show that as long as you’re choosing healthy variants without overindulgence it shouldn’t negatively impact your health – just remember to stay hydrated!