As with anything, moderation is key – and decaf may or may not be healthier than regular coffee depending on your individual circumstances. If pregnancy or breastfeeding, heart condition, heart rate increases after one cup, anxiety increases after daily caffeine consumption or your morning cup leaves you jittery then decaf may be best – though both options offer health benefits that might surprise you!

Studies have demonstrated that both regular and decaf coffee can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, liver cancer, prostate cancer and depression. Furthermore, both varieties can enhance cardiovascular health, protect against oxidative stress and promote cognitive performance.

To reap all of the healthful benefits that coffee has to offer both your body and mind, drink it moderately – sticking to 4-5 cups per day should do just fine – adding milk, cream or sugar can only enhance its delicious taste!

An increasing number of people are making the switch from caffeinated coffee to decaf beverages for various reasons, whether that means cutting back on caffeine later in the day, medical reasons like high blood pressure, sleep disturbances or caffeine sensitivities, or simply for greater convenience – decaffeination has become a popular option among many.

Coffee producers utilize solvents to strip caffeine-containing beans of caffeine before roasting, leaving behind most of their other ingredients and flavors unaffected. Even without caffeine present, you can still reap all of its wonderful compounds such as antioxidants and polyphenols as well as essential potassium and magnesium levels essential for good health.

If you want to completely avoid caffeine, there are also non-solvent decaffeination processes available; these however leave behind a chemical known as methylene chloride which has been linked to certain forms of cancer and liver damage or even death if exposed in sufficient quantities.

At the end of the day, it is ultimately up to you and your doctor to decide if coffee should be consumed in any form or none at all. But if you are concerned about caffeine tolerance or sensitivity or have other medical conditions which require you to limit caffeine intake then decaf may be the more suitable choice for you.

If you’re curious to discover more of the amazing health benefits associated with regular and decaf coffee, reach out for a free consultation with one of our health coaches. Using advanced testing procedures, they’ll create a tailored diet plan designed to support both your unique body and lifestyle needs.