Is French Vanilla Coffee Halal?
Vanilla extract comes from vanilla beans. Each pod of vanilla beans contains an aromatic and flavoring substance known as vanillin that gives its name to this popular natural flavoring agent. Vanilla beans can be utilized in different ways to extract their vanilla flavor, such as extracting with ethyl alcohol or using water and glycerin as solvents, or turning them into powder form to be added into food products. Alcohol evaporates during this process, rendering the extract halal if there are no trace elements left. Muslims should look out for products labeled with “WONF”, or without other natural flavors, to verify whether their vanilla product is Halal; that way they can ensure any alcohol present is not coming from sources forbidden under Islam such as alcohol beverages (Khamr) or any other non-Islamic source such as tobacco products (haram).
Vanilla flavoring can be found in various products like sugar, coffee whithner, instant coffee and creamer. Some may contain ingredients which are forbidden under Islamic law and should be avoided by Muslim consumers. If a Muslim has any questions regarding any product containing vanilla flavoring, they should contact its manufacturer to inquire further about its ingredients list.
Most companies that produce Vanilla Creamer or similar creamers utilize a combination of ingredients. These may include sugar, corn syrup solids, partially hydrogenated coconut oil, sodium casenate (a milk derivative), dipotassium phosphate, mono and diglycerides, sodium tripolyphosphate artificial flavoring agent and silicon dioxide as necessary.