Is Ground Coffee Healthy?
Ground coffee’s nutritional value depends on a range of factors, from its preparation and storage through brewing, storage and serving. The type of beans used, their roasting level and preparation all influence which compounds it contains as well as any benefits you might reap from consuming it. When considering adding cream or sugar it is also essential to note that adding these can significantly alter its value and add calories while caffeine may cause stomach issues for some, including heartburn in extreme cases; so if you suffer from any digestive discomfort it may be wiser not to consume anything containing caffeine altogether.
Coffee is best known for its caffeine, which has long been touted for improving memory, alertness and energy levels when consumed moderately. But coffee also contains soluble fiber and polyphenols which may reduce diabetes, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases risk according to research published in Frontiers in Nutrition in September 2018.
Coffee beans contain alkaloids such as trigonelline, which has been shown to promote glucose tolerance and lower blood pressure, while also helping preserve insulin-producing cells in your pancreas, potentially decreasing your risk for type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, coffee contains high concentrations of chlorogenic acids which belong to a group of plant antioxidants thought to protect against cancer while simultaneously managing blood sugar levels.
Whole bean coffee also contains diterpenes such as cafestol and kahweol that form part of coffee oil – the natural fatty substance responsible for giving roasted coffee its signature flavour and mouthfeel. These diterpenes may have prebiotic benefits by increasing beneficial bacteria in your gut.
Ground coffee does not contain any artificial additives and is made with freshly-roasted and ground beans, unlike instant varieties which often include artificial sweeteners. Furthermore, ground coffee is low in saturated fat and boasts more potassium than an entire banana! Furthermore, magnesium helps balance blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk; yet too much coffee consumption may dehydrate you leading to acid reflux, insomnia or headaches if taken too frequently. If this occurs for you then switching up brewing methods such as French Press might result in smoother, less acidic cups of coffee!