There are various ways to enjoy a cup of coffee. While some prefer adding table sugar, others might add creamer or honey for an alternative sweetener option – but is honey actually healthier than regular sugar? And, if so, should honey replace regular table sugar when sweetening their cup?

Most people recognize the dangers of adding sugar to their coffee, so many turn to natural sweeteners such as honey as an alternative sweetener in order to find something healthier than table sugar. But is honey really any healthier option or does it still cause adverse side effects? For more insight on this subject we consulted Dana Hunnes from UCLA Medical Center’s registered dietitian department.

Honey may provide some nutrients and has a lower glycemic index than sugar; however, it still breaks down into glucose in the body and affects blood sugar levels similarly. Honey also contains more calories per tablespoon than granulated sugar (64 per tablespoon compared to 49), plus due to its intense sweetness you need more honey than usual in beverages making overindulgences more likely.

Hunnes acknowledges that honey does contain antioxidants to help fight off oxidative stress in the body. Unfortunately, most commercial honey has been pasteurized and refined, removing any potential antioxidant benefits. Although some refined honey might still provide some benefit when consumed as sweetener, raw honey offers all-around more benefits when choosing its natural sweetening power.

Stevia and monk fruit extract are natural alternatives to table sugar that offer no additives and are low-cal. Studies have revealed their potential advantages in supporting digestive health and decreasing inflammation levels within the body; however, if you have issues regulating your blood sugar or have diabetes it would be wiser to refrain from these artificial sweeteners.

If you want to add flavor and sweetness to your coffee, try this simple recipe: mix brewed coffee, milk and raw honey in a saucepan until everything is hot, stirring continuously until everything has melted together. Feel free to customize with spices as desired before drinking up! If this is your first time adding honey to coffee, start by starting off slowly by tasting each teaspoon to find what works for you – gradually increase until you find the optimal balance for yourself – but remember moderation when deciding how much honey to put in! Enjoy!