Long black is a classic coffee made by mixing one or more shots of espresso with hot water, often as an intermittent fasting beverage. Although many associate it with bitterness, long blacks can actually be quite delicious and provide essential antioxidants which offer numerous health benefits.

Long blacks are packed with antioxidants and low in calories – and may even aid weight loss! Caffeine stimulates metabolism and energy levels, suppressing hunger to aid weight loss efforts when combined with healthy eating and physical exercise routines.

Coffee is a well-known stimulant, with caffeine found in black coffee helping to increase mental alertness and concentration while simultaneously increasing adrenaline levels and physical performance. Coffee can even act as an ideal pre-workout beverage, making it popular with athletes. Furthermore, caffeine in coffee has also been found to lower Parkinson’s risk, one of the primary causes of dementia; researchers believe this may be due to coffee preventing build-ups of proteins toxic for brain cells that occur over time.

Moderate coffee consumption has been linked with reduced risks of heart failure and can improve blood vessel function as a vasodilator, thus helping improve vessel function and blood vessel health. Not only can coffee help lower blood pressure but it can also reduce inflammation and enhance cardiovascular wellbeing – one study showed that those drinking two or more cups per day had a 30% lower risk of heart failure compared to those who didn’t consume coffee at all!

Studies indicate that black coffee, when consumed in moderation and unsweetened, can be safely enjoyed in moderation. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that too much caffeine intake may increase risk factors for high blood pressure and anxiety as well as add unnecessary calories and fat content to your beverage. Furthermore, adding too much milk or sugar increases calorie consumption considerably.

Although a long black is an ideal way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s still essential that caffeine intake doesn’t exceed 600mg daily; excessive caffeine consumption may cause insomnia, irritability, high blood pressure and increased anxiety.