Is Matcha Or Coffee Healthier?
Matcha tea, known for its vivid green hue and high caffeine content, has quickly become one of the hottest trends on coffee shop menus all across. Lauded by wellness influencers as an anti-stress tool that boosts metabolism and can even prevent cancer, has quickly become the darling beverage among Millennials. But is matcha actually healthier than its regular joe counterparts? We spoke to a registered dietitian to get answers.
Matcha offers numerous health advantages because it is composed of whole leaves rather than steeped tea bags, meaning more of the leaf itself is consumed when drinking it. Plus, its shade-grown production increases chlorophyll production for its vibrant green hue and antioxidant production is enhanced through this process; which in turn leads to rich antioxidant-rich teas with reduced disease risks and enhanced overall wellbeing.
Caffeine and L-theanine can all contribute to improving brain function, but caffeine specifically can boost alertness and attention levels as well as memory performance. L-theanine has a more relaxing effect by increasing levels of neurotransmitter GABA that decrease anxiety and depression while simultaneously improving mood and focus.
Matcha, like coffee, is packed with protein and fibre as well as numerous essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, folates, B vitamins, potassium, copper and catechins – phytochemicals known to lower risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and some cancers. Research suggests moderate consumption of both coffee and matcha may even lower their respective risks for type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease heart disease as well as some cancers.
Contrary to many foods, both matcha and coffee contain flavonoids – plant chemicals which contain beneficial plant chemicals – which have been found to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. Furthermore, both matcha and coffee provide essential sources of fibre which helps support digestive health and digestion.
Matcha contains more soluble fibre than most foods, making it useful in aiding digestion if you suffer from constipation. However, matcha also contains caffeine which could lead to feelings of jitteriness or anxiety in certain people.
So when considering whether matcha or coffee is healthier for you, the decision ultimately falls on individual preferences and individual needs. If you prefer the taste of coffee and need an energy boost quickly, regular joe may be best. Just be mindful to consume both in moderation, being aware of potential added sugars, unhealthy fats and artificial sweeteners found in some coffee or matcha lattes.