Is Mushroom Tea More Potent?
There are various ways of taking mushrooms, from pills, capsules and tea, to swallowing whole mushrooms whole. While most people simply swallow whole, others might prefer making mushroom tea – an alluring approach claimed to boost immunity, fight cancer, assist weight loss and slow aging processes.
Mushroom tea is a drink made by steeping various edible mushrooms (such as chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, black hoof and cordyceps) in hot water for infusion. Although some have touted mushroom tea as being on trend these days, it has actually been enjoyed for centuries by indigenous cultures from Eastern countries to Russia and North America.
Making Psilocybin Mushroom Tea involves infusing dried mushrooms with hot water. Once steeped, this beverage can then be consumed to consume its psychedelic compounds that may induce altered states of consciousness or pleasurable feelings. There are different methods available for creating magic mushroom tea; depending on which variety is selected it will determine its potency and effects.
One of the most popular ways to brew mushroom tea is with chaga, one of the world’s most medicinal and sacred mushrooms. Chaga is widely revered for boosting immunity, fighting stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, improving digestion and circulation and even aiding longevity and spiritual potency. Reishi mushroom tea may also help lower blood sugar and boost energy while possibly prolonging longevity and spiritual potency.
Another method of creating mushroom tea involves grinding up mushrooms into powder and placing it in capsules – this method allows users to microdose more precisely while capsules may also be easier to swallow than raw mushrooms.
Many people combine mushroom tea with other herbal and nutritional supplements for maximum effect, creating a powerful healing tonic said to prevent and cure numerous illnesses and conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease insomnia etc.
Are You Wondering If Magic Mushroom Tea Is More Potent Than Others?