Is Non Organic Coffee on the Dirty Dozen List?
Most people understand the benefits of eating organic produce for both health and environmental reasons; it reduces your exposure to harmful pesticides while at the same time decreasing risks from harmful pesticides. Each year, Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases two lists: Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen; the former contains twelve fruits and vegetables with high pesticide loads that should ideally be purchased organic while Clean Fifteen foods generally have lower levels of pesticide exposure and may be safe enough for non-organic consumption.
This year, coffee has earned itself a spot on the Environmental Working Group’s 2018 Dirty Dozen list. Coffee crops require heavy chemical spraying; EWG analysis revealed that one pound of conventionally grown coffee contains up to 250 different chemicals; most coffee is grown overseas where regulations do not regulate pesticide use or its impact; additionally most is often sprayed with herbicides and chemicals prohibited within the US borders.
Although coffee may appear out of place on this list, keep in mind that EWG research encompasses all pesticides – including those linked to cancer, hormone disruption and neurological conditions. Most of us recognize the wisdom in limiting our coffee intake; if you do consume coffee however, opt for organic to limit exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals.
Noteworthy is the EWG’s discovery that a single snap pea sample contained 13 different kinds of pesticides; therefore if purchasing these vegetables be sure to look for organic varieties grown in the USA.